
Healthy Breakfast Ideas

We love breakfast. Some serious super breakfasts! I was asked to help offer 5 days of some super healthy breakfasts ideas. Have you ever heard the expression, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper? Not sure who wrote that saying, maybe parents with a toddler, because that is exactly what happens in our house. And I'm totally okay with it.

The most important thing to remember for your Super Breakfast is for it to consist of protein, fiber and a good fat.
Click here to avoid these 5 mistakes when considering a Super Healthy Breakfast. 

Even when the weekend is nearing it's final hour, I think about breakfast for Monday morning. Why? It's the feeling you get when you wake up especially on a Monday morning remembering breakfast is ready especially with a baby, a hungry toddler and a husband who works out early. Priceless.

Here are some breakfast ideas for your morning!


1. Crockpot Breakfast
As you know we love oatmeal. This is perfect for those cool mornings with hungry kids. And if you have guests in your home. Viola!

2: Overnight Oatmeal Jars
This is such an easy quick way to get all the protein, fiber and fat in one simple meal. It's perfect for Summer because its cold. This is also a great on- the go type of breakfast for the kids too!
Click here for recipe

3. Stove-Top Steel-cut Oatmeal

1 cup steel cut oats
3 cups liquid (I use 3 cups of 100% apple juice (not from concentrate)

1. Boil liquid in medium size pot 
2. Slowly pour in oats, boil for 5 min
3. Turn to med to low heat for 25 min

*top with desired fruit/yogurt
 I use organic berries or whatever I have in the fridge or freezer - you can use blueberries, strawberries, blackberries

Throw in some chopped nuts and stir in a little greek yogurt or almond butter.. Yumm

4Oatmeal Bars: They taste like banana bread with an oatmeal texture. Make them over the weekend and they are the perfect breakfast on-the-go. Another great thing is that they freeze really well. They are a winner with kids!
Click here for recipe


Have you seen these roll ups on Pinterest from The Girl Who Ate Everything? 
Click here for recipe

They are sooo good. Except, I substitute a few ingredients. I use 100% whole wheat bread instead of white bread, REAL cream cheese (mascarpone) instead of nutella, and coconut sugar instead of refined white sugar. 

Or you can leave out the filling and put some fresh berries on traditional French toast.
(my kids love both methods)

The Work-Out Ready Breakfasts:

1. Half a banana, sliced on top of 100% whole wheat toast or Ezekiel raisin bread with almond butter or sunflower butter. Sprinkle some chia seeds as shown here. If you're craving something a little more sweet, sprinkle some toasted coconut or drizzle it with some local raw honey. 

2. This bowl of Greek yogurt, grapes, almonds, flax seeds, chia seeds and pumpkin pie spice is the perfect combo for a morning workout. Quick.

In the picture, I ran out of berries and used grapes. I prefer berries for the fiber and sweetness.


1. Eggcado 


1. Cut 1 avacado and take the seed out and scoop a large hole in it.

2. Crack 1 small egg in the middle of avacado

3. Bake in a conventional or toaster oven on 180 degrees for 15 min or until egg is at your desired consistency.

4. Sprinkle some smoked paprika or salt & pepper.

Serve it with toast or English muffin yumm!

2. Poached or Fried Egg on a crispy corn tortilla


1. Heat both sides of corn tortilla on a comal or stove top for desired crispyness.

2. Spread avocado with cracked pepper on corn tortilla.

3. Top it with arugula, spinach or desired greens.

4. Place poached or fried egg on top of greens. 

4. Top with salsa or my all time favorite, chalula and feta cheese. My husband prefers salsa.

3. Power Eggs: These eggs provide kids with half of the daily value for Vitamin C. With more than 19 grams of protein per serving, these power eggs pack a powerful punch!
Click here for recipe

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